Tag Archives: Flower Show

The Fair

The Fair

I’m so proud to share this from THEKITCHENSGARDEN… Cecilia captures in photographs and words what makes our ‘small town’ so special… Barbara

The Kitchen's Garden

Every year our little local town, a small town with a big heart, hosts a local fair. show-032

The Fair has been going on for more than 160 years now.  The side shows are deliciously gaudy and the food is inedible on the street,  but that is what it is all about and there is a whole hall filled with pickles and cakes and breads and vegetables for the judging ( I hope to visit them tomorrow) , but there is a charm and deep local presence that makes this a very special day.  show-015The people who show their animals with such pride are also nodding with gratitude to a fecund  past filled with glory and vigor.  There is an iron clad connection straight back through almost 200 years of the very same event.  This is where small town America will not give up.  It has taken a beating but refuses to lie down…

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A Cullom Tradition


Sprucing up the Cullom Community Building



The Cullom Village Office is on the west side of the Community Building.  Besides the Village Office, the Community Building has two rooms available for rent, with a full kitchen and many groups and clubs take advantage of the space.  It is also the location for The Cullom Food Pantry.  By design, it has a three-person board of caretakers, tax revenue is collected by Sullivan Township for upkeep, and located on Village property. It is a valuable asset to the Community.

Each year during the annual Cullom Celebration, the Flower Show and the Junior and Adult Domestic Arts of the Junior Fair are held in the larger of the two rooms. Since being elected, I noticed how overgrown many of the bushes and trees were around the building, and thought it needed some work before the Celebration.

I talked to Ron Shapland, President of Citizens for Cullom and we decided we would ask a few people to volunteer to bring their clippers and rakes, and some evening we’d take an hour or so and spruce it up a bit.

We decided this past Wednesday evening would be the night.  Ron had asked for volunteers the previous night at the Citizen for Cullom meeting, and I had mentioned to a few members of the community who had offered their service, also the members of the Village Board.

During the afternoon, I checked the Weather Channel, it had a Heat Advisory Warning.  It was forecasting for 7:00 p.m. it was still to be 90 degrees.  By mid-day I made the decision, it was just ‘too damn hot’,  surely there would be a cooler night to tackle the job.  Made a few phone calls, sent a few emails, and thought I let everyone know we were postponing.

However, to my surprise… this morning I drive past and see it’s done!  And it looks 100 percent better!  The following people didn’t let the heat get to them… they completed the job!

Hopefully, I haven’t forgotten anyone who helped.

Thank you1

Dick Gassler    John Platz    Todd Meister    Jody Rock

Jake Sherer    Cory Eimen    Patti Krause    Carl Krause

You guys rock!

Later… Barbara